Valentine Lollipops

You Sell for $1.00


Raise Money Fast & Easy with Valentine Lollipops - Earn 50% - 55% Profit!

Promote Foreign Language and Culture 
by adding a message with each lollipop.
German - Ich Liebe Deutsch!
French - J'aime I'allemand!
 Spanish - ¡Amo el alemán!
or any Foreign Language.


Cherry Cheesecake, Wild Cherry,Cherry Snow, Watermelon, RedRaspberry, Strawberry Shake, Bubble Gum, Grape and Cinnamon
Valentine's Yummy Hearts Lollipops

Bubble Gum, Cherry Cheesecake, Cherry Snow,
Cinnamon, Grape, Red Raspberry, Strawberry
Shake, Watermelon and Wild Cherry

Bubble Gum, Cinnamon,Grape, Raspberry, Strawberry,Watermelon, Orange, Berryand Cinnamon

Valentine's Yummy Lips Lollipops

Bubble Gum, Cinnamon, Grape, Raspberry,
Strawberry, Watermelon, Orange,
Berry and Cinnamon

Sour Apple, Sour Cherry,Sour Watermelon, Sour Grape,Sour Mandarin and Sour Strawberry

Valentine's Sour Yummy Lips 

Sour Apple, Sour Cherry, Sour Grape, 
Sour Mandarin, Sour Strawberry
and Sour Watermelon

Click Here for Gourmet Lollipops

FREE Shipping on All Orders
 Earn up to 53% Profit!

Cases Ordered Your Unit Cost Case Price Profit Per Case % of Profit
1-4 $.50 $320.00 $320.00 50%
5+ $.47 $300.00 $340.00 53%

640 lollipops per case; each case is packed with eight 80-count cartons.
Suggested order: 1 case per 4-6 selling members